Wednesday 2 October 2013

Week 2: Understanding Roles and Responsibilities - Legislation and Guidelines

Week 2: 01/10/2013 Lesson Plan

1. Ground Rules:
We used a group activity and open discussion to consider Ground Rules. We were quickly able to establish said rules, mostly based on established principles of what is considered Good and Acceptable behaviour. The class group was sub-divided in to 3 smaller groups. Each group used Post It notes to write down rules, these were then assembled on the whiteboard and discussed with the group by our tutor Richard. Were able to establish a set of rules that would meet the needs of all concerned: Staff, Students and Ourselves.

2. Groupings:
We discussed the Pros and Cons of Groupings. See image:
In week 2 sessions we used a 'Random' selection grouping to work in our next activity.

Key Learning Point:

3. Legislation:
We reviewed legislation in our randomly selected groups. 4 laptops and 1 set of information cards were placed in a carousel format around the class. We moved around the carousel gathering the legislation information.

  • Equality: The Equality Act 2010 provides a single, consolidated source of discrimination law.
  • Safeguarding: Children Act 2004, Safeguarding and protecting children from maltreatment, preventing Impairment of Health or Development. (DBS Check) Be Aware --->Report ---> Safeguarding Officer.
  • LLUK: Life Long Learning UK, to develop a professional teaching standard for the whole FE system. April 2005 OFSTED.  LLUK ceased to operate as a Sector Skills Council on 31 March 2011. Responsibilities were passed to the Learning and Skills Improvement Service: The LSIS ended 31 July 2013
  • HASWA: Health & Safety at Work Act 1974. The original can be Downloaded here
  1. In Education (School Premises) 1999
  2. In the Workplace 1992
The Health and Safety at Work Act also referred to as HSWA, HSW Act or HASAWA, is  the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain.  The Health and Safety Executive with local authorities (and other enforcing  authorities) is responsible for enforcing the Act and a number of other Acts  and Statutory Instruments relevant to the working environment.
More info here: HSE
  • Every Child Matters: UK Government initiative for England and Wales 2003. SHEEP or: Stay Safe, Healthy, Enjoy and achieve, Economic well-being, Positive Contribution.


1.  A report (max 500 words), or academic poster, discussing Unit 1 criteria 2.1 and 2.2 based on the ‘class rules’ activity. 

2.  A 5 minute presentation on relevant legislative frameworks and the consequences of these on your professional conduct as a teacher.
  • Will be posted here after the event 08/10/2013
  • This was displayed:

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