Wednesday 2 October 2013

Week 1: Enrolment, Ice Breakers, and Introductions

WEEK 1 24/09/2013  Lesson Plan

Week 1 began with introductions and games/quiz to break the social ice and start some good social interaction. It was a first step too in learning names of individuals in the group. We were introduced to the learning framework of Kendal College which included our enrolment to the Library and Personal Login to the College computer system.

It might have seemed somewhat of a formality of process, yet actually the tutors Tamara and Richard were skilfully introducing teaching methods at this early stage.

Helpful suggestions were made regarding recommended reading and one student was able to direct the group to a good online source: AbeBooks - which, at least in my case proved fruitful.

The main aims of the course were outlined and full details can be read here: Ascentis Level 4 Cert in Education and Training PDF

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