Wednesday 9 October 2013

Week 3 Planning to Meet the Needs of Learners, Equality and diversity

Week 3: Planning to Meet the Needs of Learners, Equality and diversity.

Week 3: 08/10/2013 Lesson Plan PDF

  • Review of the legislation from week 2
  • Legislation Homework presentation (Details can be viewed in week 2 blog)
  • Explain ways to Promote Equality and Value Diversity
  • Investigate our responsibility in meeting the needs of learners
  • Describe 5 ways of embedding Equality and Diversity in teaching practice
  • Evaluate our responsibility in relation to working with other professionals

 Legislation Homework Presentation:

We divided in to groups to make our presentations. Each student was offered feedback and we recorded a summary of the presentation. Some of the presentations were recorded to video. This was the process:

The process we followed had us evaluate and reflect on our work/presentation and consider how we might improve/do things differently next time. Which lead nicely on to the next topic 'Reflective Practice'.

Reflective Practice:

Reflecting on events and outcomes and considering how we might do things differently. Reflective Practice forms the 'Reflective Journal' part of the 3PF. I have a blog of Week 3's Reflective Practice Here:

Ensuring Equality and Celebrating Diversity:

What is Equality?

What is Diversity?

The group had a really valuable discussion on this subject area. Probably the most influential injection of note, was a comment by our Tutor Zaeed: Who raised the point that he was Muslim and as such he did not agree with same sex relationships (Gay/Lesbian). The point certainly brought the discussion to life in a positive way and we able to explore the fact that we all have different values and some level of prejudice, yet we have the capacity put aside personal feelings and value each person as an individual. It was well demonstrated that there isn't always a simple YES/NO, Do This or Do That to every situation. Zaeed asked each student how they felt the discussion went and one student said that Zaeed threw his Muslim comment in like a Hand-grenade. This really livened things up (though in fact the Hand-grenade comment was completely innocent, a sort of Hyperbole.) Nevertheless, there were several comments then made in jest that applied to Muslim Extremist Activity. This was all very light hearted and there was never any suggestion that Zaeed was anything but a very nice person. This exercise really helped cement the importance of Equality and Diversity.

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