Friday 18 October 2013

Week 4: Lesson Plans, Learning Outcomes and Assessment

Lesson Plans, Learning Outcomes and Assessment

Week 4: 15/10/2013  Lesson Plan PDF

Embedding Equality and Diversity within Teaching and Learning

MASTER model by Dr Christine Rose

(M) Materials and Recources
Prompts, (visual, acoustic, books, graphs, handouts)

(A) Assesment
Improve confidence and self esteem. Feel safe to make mistakes. Constructive feedback. Variety of methods (reflect/review). Identify additional support. Reflective adjustment.

(S) Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)
Understand themselves and Others. Self Development. Empathy. Value Difference. Know right from wrong.

(T) Teaching and Learning Methods
Recognising, Valuing, Responding, (Individual experience/needs). Have confidence to challenge and adapt.

(E) Environment (Management of)
Room size, location.
Students (Respect, accommodate, listening)
Class/Group (Diversity, Impairment)
Tutor (Specific support, Challenging behaviour)

(R) Role Model (The Tutor as..)
Set Good Example, Agreed Understanding of diversity, Avoid stereotyping, Mutual Trust, High expectations)

Lesson Plans / Learning Outcomes and Assessment

We looked at 'Blooms Taxonomy of Educational Objectives'. Bloom split learning into a spectrum of tasks or skills which he called taxonomy. The spectrum of cognitive skills range from undemanding to complex. There are 3 main domains:
  1. Cognitive domain (intellectual capability, ie., knowledge, or 'think')
  2. Affective domain (feelings, emotions and behaviour, ie., attitude, or 'feel')
  3. Psychomotor domain (manual and physical skills, ie., skills, or 'do')

The cognitive section here (there has been a revision, however we are dealing with the original)

Some explanation here:

A more detailed list of the verbs:

Geoff Petty (2004). Teaching Today. 3rd ed. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes. 7-14.

We were able to see how Bloom's Taxonomy is useful in building a Lesson Plan with Outcomes and Objectives. Outcomes should precisely describe observable learner performance, shifting the focus on to what the student will be able to do as a result of their learning.

We might assess Learning Outcomes by:
  • Nominated > to a specific person
  • Open > asking everyone
  • Closed > Answer is Yes or No
  • Group Work
  • Participation
  • Quiz

Regarding Affective and Psychomotor Domains, see:

Affective Domain: Is demonstrated by behaviours indicating attitudes of Awareness, Attention, Interest, Aesthetic Appreciation, Moral, Aesthetic and other attitudes, Opinions, Feelings or Values,
(Verbs: Accepts, Attempts, Challenges, Defends, Disputes, Joins, Judges, Praises, Questions, Shares, Supports)

Psychomotor Domain: Is demonstrated by Physical skills, Sense Perception, Hand Eye Coordination, Dexterity, Manipulation.
(Verbs: Bend, Grasp, Handle, Reach, Relax, Operate, Shorten, Stretch, Write, Differentiate (by touch), Express (Facially), Perform (Skilfully)
Geoff Petty (2004). Teaching Today. 3rd ed. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes. 395-396.

Activity: Plan Outcomes for Mini Teach

My Mini Teach: The Water Cycle Basics
Outcomes: Learners will be able to:

  1. Describe the Basic Water Cycle
  2. Identify Main Aspects of the Water Cycle
  3. Label a Simple Water Cycle Plan
For a copy of the Proforma lesson plan: Lesson Plan Download

  • The details for my teach will include a simple and detailed view of the water cycle with time for some discussion and questioning.
  • Activities will include nominated and open questioning and a labelling test.
  • Outcome assessment will be through questions and test.
  • Any differentiation should be manageable through the activities, though at this basic level, differentiation should not be an issue.

1 comment:

  1. Comprehensive explanation - great charts...
    A lot of work done well.
    I'm certainly looking forward to the " water cycle " lesson.
