Friday 28 March 2014

Week 22: Meeting Learners Needs


Meeting our Learners Needs: Differentiation

"Adopting strategies to ensure success in learning for all, by accommodating differences of any kind." Geoff Petty

After using the colour cards to assess our confidence with the topic/subject. We had a brief review of Equality and Diversity (E & D) and the legislation covered in the previous 3 sessions. We had a quick recap by use of two teams. Each had to write down questions for the other, based on the 4 main areas of legislation covered last week. We then swapped question sheets to answer the questions and swapped back to mark the work. This is how our group looked:

We then divided in to Mixed Ability Groups and had a Carousel Activity on the following:

  1. Reasonable Adjustments
  2. Stretch and Support
  3. Active Learning
  4. Equality and Diversity
We rotated around the Carousel, spending about 20 mins at each station. Each of the above 4 topics presented a situation/scenario to consider how we could as Geoff Petty puts it 'accommodate differences of any kind.' The whole lesson itself embodied the very principles that Tam was trying to teach, and part of the session was an evaluation of the methods used in the lesson: (Inclusion, E & D, Engagement, Support, Stretch)

We followed this up with a discussion of our findings. One person from each group was nominated to chair a topic to bring out the main point form their group and then draw more information from the whole class.

This lesson further embedded the principles and legislation that we have previously considered. I rather like the way Geoff Petty discusses his topics, he loves to illustrate a point. It makes for interesting reading.

"You won’t be surprised to hear that it is illegal for a teacher to sprinkle students
with sulphuric acid or hurl them through windows. Less obviously it is also illegal
to tell a student who uses a wheelchair that they can’t study art because the art
room is on the top floor, or to tell a student she shouldn't become an engineer
because she’s a girl."
Geoff Petty (2004). Teaching Today. 4th ed. Cheltenham: Stanley Thornes. 91.

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