Thursday 13 March 2014

Week 20: Inclusive Practice (Part 3)


This session started with a review of our understanding of the information covered in earlier lessons. This was achieved by the use of a Glossary of terms relating to Inclusive Practice and a corresponding definition field (left blank). The aim of this part of the lesson. To complete the missing definition fields. There was a choice of two different lists 1 and 2. The number 1 list being a little easier than number 2.

Here is an example of the Number 2 list:

Time and research was permitted and here is a completed list 2 that I did for homework.

On the evening of the lesson I chose to do List and here is the completed version:

In peer pairs we then assessed our findings/answers and that was followed by a class discussion. This process further deepened our appreciation and understanding of Inclusive Practice.

Visual Impairment

Basically it means walking around college blindfold (With safety assistant)
We paired up for this exercise.
Our findings:
Kendal College has basically made no accommodation for Visual Impairment. Quite literally it has hazards everywhere. No Braille or Audio in any shape or form, even at the Emergency information notices. A discussion with a member of staff in the LRC demonstrated that they could not point us to any efforts made to assist the Visually Impaired. We asked about Deaf too, seeing that we held a personal interest in the subject. Apparently one person who is deaf has a full time assistant (signer) with them at college. Overall, our impression of the facilities and accommodations made for such conditions is probably as bad as it can get.

Group Discussion
We were tasked to prepare for and contribute to a small group discussion on the impact of personal, social and cultural factors on learning. Reviewing the impact of different physical and cognitive and sensory impairments.

My source notes (incl. Images) were printed from:
Source 1
Source 2
Also research from: Petty 'Teaching Today Fourth Edition' Chapt 7

Our group including Myself, Karl, Trevor and Clive.

Following the discussion we each reviewed each others participation. Trevor reviewed me:

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