Tuesday 29 April 2014

Week 25: Mini Teach_3 : Inclusion, Equality and Diversity

The Brief:

To present a 10 minute teaching session that reviews the key features of an inclusive learning environment. Analysing ways to promote equality diversity and inclusion, with specific examples from your own teaching practice.  Try to make this session as interactive as possible and a culmination of your development as a teacher so far.

My Lesson Plan

My Lesson

Peer Assessment
As usual with our group and part of good practice, we did peer assessment. Click the above link to view the PDF. On reflection the comments are really useful. All students appreciated the comprehensive coverage of the assigned brief as well as it's clarity. Points to consider for development are: Involving the student group more and Stretching the learners especially when using questioning.

Video footage:

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Carl... Not an easy task to accomplish in the time assigned.
