Wednesday 11 December 2013

Week 11: Embedding Information and Learning Technology in Teaching and Learning

Embedding Information and Learning Technology in Teaching and Learning 10/12/2013

This session was presented by Dan Hodge. The content of the session can be viewed Here.

Dan used a well researched, fairly simple presentation with maximum impact. It didn't go unnoticed that he made good use of a question sheet at the end of the session to make an assessment of learning. The session was thoroughly interesting and certainly made clear the importance of 'Modern Education', that is education that uses digital technology to facilitate learning. I hasten to add though, and I say this completely without prejudice, but I don't need, and neither do I like swearing used to punctuate a lesson. Something to keep in mind Dan if you read this.

This set the scene really for the content of the discussion. Which as the image above shows, 'Digital Natives' are persons brought up in the modern digital age, that is since year 2000. This gives rise to the acronym BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). The internet has of course been described as a 'Information Super Highway' and as such it can facilitate learning. Social Media provides a superabundance of resources and referencing which can form an important part of the students access to learning. As tutors, we need to recognise the value of this resource and be sure it forms part of our teaching practice.

With this 'Connected' approach, classrooms are no longer insular, but rather, the information is shared globally. This very 'Blog' is just such an example.

As well, technology is fast moving, you barely have time to adopt/embrace a new way of doing things, and it's moved on to something else. Traditional education should be long gone....

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